Xue-Long Sun, Ph.D.
 Title: Professor
Director of Graduate Program, Director of NMR Facility
 Dept: Chemistry
 Office: SI 313
 Phone: 216-687-3919
 Fax: 216-687-9289
 Email: X.SUN55@csuohio.edu
 Web: http://academic.csuohio.edu/sunlab
 Address: 2121 Euclid Ave. SI 313, Cleveland, OH 44115

Courses Taught


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Research Keywords:
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Biopharmaceutical Chemistry, Cellular Chemistry, Glyco-Engineering, Antithrombtic and Antiviral Drugs, Immunomodulation.
B.S., Pharmaceutics, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang, China, 1988
M.S., Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Kitasato University School of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan, 1994
Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Kitasato University School of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan, 1997
Postdoctoral Fellow, Glycotechnology and Synthetic Cellular Chemistry, RIKEN Institute, Wako, Japan, 2000
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomaterial/Biomedical Engineering, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, 2002
Brief Bio:
After trained in pharmaceutical sciences, Dr. Sun has experienced a wide range of pharmaceutical and biomedical researches. First, he had worked on anti-influenza agent (Medicinal Chemistry) at RIKEN Institute (Japan) as a basic science special research fellow working with Dr.s Chi-Huey Wong, Osamu Kanie and Yukishige Ito, then worked on antithrombotic biomaterials (Biomedical Engineering) at Emory University School of Medicine as a NIH-funded research fellow working with Dr. Elliot L. Chaikof, Since 2002, Dr. Sun has started his academic career at Emory University School of Medicine first and Cleveland State University now as a Full Professor of Chemistry (primary) and Biomedical Engineering (secondary) working on Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biopharmaceutical Chemistry, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and Biomaterial Chemistry research.
Honors and Awards:
2024 Organizer of 2024 Fall ACS CARB Symposium "Chemical Sialobiology and Medicinal Chemistry for Coronavirus Infection". (August 18 -22, 2024, Denver, Colorado).
2024 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research and Teaching, Cleveland State University
2023 Editorial Board Member, Genes and Disease (ISSN 2352-3042, Elsevier, IF 7.243)
2023 Ad hoc Member, NIH ZRG1 MBBC G10 study section
2023 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research and Teaching, Cleveland State University
2023 Peer Assessment of Chemistry Programs for U.S. News
2022 Most Discussed and Read Paper (Xue-Long Sun, The Role of Cell Surface Sialic Acids for SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Glycobiology (Oxford Academic) 2021, 31, 1245-1253)
2022 External Reviewer, NIH, NCI Chemical Biology Laboratory
2022 Peer Assessment of Chemistry Programs for U.S. News
2021 NIH R15 Grant Award from NIGMS, NIH
2021 Most Read Article (Xue-Long Sun, The Role of Cell Surface Sialic Acids for SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Glycobiology (Oxford Academic) 2021, 31, 1245-1253)
2021 Ad hoc Member, NSF, CLP Program Proposal Reviewer
2020 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research and Teaching, Cleveland State University
2019 Golden Apple Award, Cleveland State University Alumni Association
2019 Faculty Research and Development Award, Cleveland State University
2018 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research and Teaching, Cleveland State University
2017 NIH R15 Grant Award from NHLBI, NIH
2017 Faculty Research and Development Award, Cleveland State University
2016 Dr. John C. Vitullo¿s Pilot and Bridge Program Award, Center of Gene Regulation of Disease and Health, Cleveland State University
2016 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research, Cleveland State University
2015 Golden Apple Award, Cleveland State University Alumni Association
2014 Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA), elected by the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences (BCVS) of AHA.
2014 American Heart Association Grant-in-Aid Research Grant Award
2014 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research, Cleveland State University
2014 Distinguish Faculty and Staff Award, Chinese American Faculty and Staff Association (CAFSA), Cleveland State University
2013 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research, Cleveland State University
2013 External advisory panel for Metabolomics Resource grant programs, NIH NHLBI
2012 Distinguished Faculty Award for Research, Cleveland State University
2012 Faculty Merit Recognition Award of Research, Cleveland State University
2012 Faculty Research Development Grant Award, Cleveland State University
2011 NSF MRI Grant Award for NMR Acquisition at Cleveland State University

2010 Outstanding Research Award, College of Science, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio
2010 NIH RO1 Grant Award from NHLBI
2010 Guest Editor of a Special Issue of Carbohydrate Recognition and Applications for Medicinal Research Reviews (Wiley InterScience), 2010, Volume 30 Issue 2
2007 Faculty Research Developmen
Research Interests:
The main research interests in Dr. Sun' group are in the following three areas:
  * Glycan-based antiviral and anti-inflammation drug development, immunomodulation, targeted drug delivery, nanomaterial and biosensor applications.
  * Biomimetic synthesis of native anticoagulant biomolecules for compensation of their loss in the pathological site as an on-demand therapeutic strategy.
  * Profiling and modulating cell surface glycosylation pattern and cell function.
Teaching Areas:
Organic Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Chemical Biology
Professional Affiliations:
American Chemical Society
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
The Society of Glycobiology
American Heart Association (fellow)
American Society of Mass Spectrometry
Professional Experience:
2021- Associate Chair, Director of Graduate Program, Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
2019- Adjunct Staff, Department of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences, the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
2012- Professor, Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
2012- Affiliated Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
2009- Member of Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD), Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH.
2013-2014 Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
2012-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
2019-2007 Adjunct Staff, Department of Molecular Cardiology, the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.
2009-2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
2006-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
2002-2000 NIH-Funded Research Fellow, Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
2000-1997 Basic Sciences Special Research Fellow, Laboratory of Glycotechnology & Synthetic Cellular Chemistry Laboratory, RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), Saitama, Japan.
1991-1989 Research Assistant, Department of Medicinal and Natural Product Chemistry, ShenYang Pharmaceutical University, ShenYang, China.
University Service:
Academic Standard Committee (COSHP) (2020-2022)
Graduate Faculty Review Committee (CGS) (2019-2021)
Athletic Committee (University) (2018-2020)
Peer Review Committee (COSHP) (2016-2018)
Research Council (University) (2013-2016)
Hoc Scholarship Committee (COSHP) (2008-2020)
Professional Service:
Editor (Peer Reviewed Journal)
2022 Review Editor, Chemical Biology, Frontiers in Chemistry and Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, IF 6.113).
2021 Section Editor, Membranes (IF 4.562, ISSN 2077-0375, MDPI)
2010 Guest Editor Invited, Medicinal Research Reviews (IF 9.300, ISSN 1098-1128, Wiley InterScience), Special Issue for Carbohydrate Recognition and Applications, 2010, 30, 2.

Book Editor
Methods in Molecular Biology: Macro-Glycoligands - Methods and Protocols (MIMB, volume 1367, Springer, 2016)

Editorial Board Member (Peer Reviewed Journal)
2023- Genes and Disease (ISSN 2352-3042, Elsevier, IF 7.243)
2020- Membranes (IF 4.562, ISSN 2077-0375, MDPI)
2011- International Journal of Organic Chemistry (Scientific Research Publishing Group)
2011-2018 World Journal of Pharmacology (Baishideng Publishing Group)
2008-2018 Virus Adaptation and Treatment (Dove Medical Press)

Organizer of Professional Conference
Organizer/Host of 11th Midwest Carbohydrate and Glycobiology Symposium, Middle of October, 2015, Cleveland, Ohio).
Organizing Committee Member for the 2013 International Conference on Metabolomics & Systems Biology (April 8-10, 2013, Chicago, USA)
Organizing Committee Member for the 2012 International Conference on Metabolomics & Systems Biology (February 20-22, 2012, San Francisco, USA)
Organizer/Host of the 2010 Cleveland Symposium of Pharmaceutical Sciences (about 50 attendees, April 30, 2010, Cleveland, Ohio).
Organizer/Host of 4th Midwest Carbohydrate and Glycobiology Symposium (72 attendees, October 3-4 30, 2008, Cleveland, Ohio).

External advisory panel for Metabolomics Resource grant programs, NIH/NHLBI: 2013-2017

Research Grant Proposal Reviewer
NSF: 2021, 2018
NIH: 2017, 2015, 2012, 2009
AHA: 2009, 2008, 2007
NSFC: 2017, 2015, 2014, 2009, 2008, 2007
Research Grants:
Title: Development of Location-specific Sialidase Inhibitors  
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: National Institute of Health
Type: R15, Period: 2021-2025

Title: Engineered Organic Color Centers for Profiling Protein-Carbohydrate Recognition
Role: Senior Personnel (PI: Geyou Ao)
Agency: National Science Foundation
Type: Research, Period: 2019-2023

Title: Synthesis of Biomimetic Proteoglycan and Its Antithrombotic Activity  
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: National Institute of Health
Type: R15, Period: 2017-2022 (no-cost extension)

Title: Investigation of Desiaylation Dynamics in LPS/TLR4 Signaling Pathway
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: Cleveland State University,
Type: Faculty Research Development Grant, Period: 2019-2020

Title: Synthesis and Functional Screening of Effective Biomimetic Macro-Glycoligands for Immune Cells Modulation
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: Cleveland State University,
Type: Faculty Research Development Grant, Period: 2017-2018

Title: Modulation of Cell Surface Sialylation and Cell Functions
Agency: Center of Gene Regulation of Disease and Health, Cleveland State University
Type: Dr. John C. Vitullo Pilot and Bridge Program Award, Period: 2016-2017

Title: Recombinant Thrombomodulin Glycoconjugate and Its Antithrombotic Activity
Agency: American Heart Association
Role: Principle Investigator
Type: Grant-in-Aid, Period: 2014-2017

Title: MRI: Acquisition of an integrated atomic force microscope/Inverted optical microscope
Agency: National Science Foundation
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Chandrasekhar Kothapalli)
Type: MRI, Period: 2013-2016

Title: MRI: Acquisition of 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Role: Principle Investigator (CO-PI: Nolan Holland, Bin Su, and John Masnovi)
Agency: National Science Foundation
Type: MRI, Period: 2011-014

Title: Recombinant and Chemo-/Bio-Orthogonal Synthesis of Liposomal Thrombomodulin
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: National Institute of Health
Type: R01, Period: 2010-2014

Title: Immobilized Cell Membrane Mimetic System for Pharmaceutical and Bioanalytical Applications
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: Cleveland State University,
Type: Faculty Research Development Grant, Period: 2012-2013

Title: On-Site Antithrombotic Glycoprotein
Role: Principle Investigator (Co-PI: Q. Y. Wu)
Agency: The Ohio Department of Ohio Board Regents
Type: Ohio Research Scholars Program, Period: 2010-2012

Title: Thrombogenic Site-Directed Antithrombotics
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: American Health Assistance Foundation
Type: Research Grant, Period: 2007-2010

Title: Universal Capture Array for the Discovery of Biomarker of Atherosclerosis
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: Cleveland State University
Type: Faculty Research Grant, Period: 2007-2009

Title: Site-Targeted Liposomal Antithrombotic and Antiinflammatory Agent
Role: Principle Investigator
Agency: American Heart A