
Phillips, J. C., Singh, A., Cruz, C. (2022). The 2020 Counseling Psychology Conference and the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned in cultivating change through liberation. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(8), 1183-1206. https://10.1177/00110000221121666

Wiley, E., Phillips, J. C., & Schultheiss, D. P. (2021). Supervisors¿ perceptions of their integration of strength-based and multicultural approaches to supervision. The Counseling Psychologist, 49(7), 1038-1069. https://10.1177/00110000211024595

Litam, S., King-White, D., MacCluskie, K., & Phillips, J. C. (2021). Mental health workers' perceptions of risk factors for human trafficking in Nairobi, Kenya: A preliminary qualitative investigation. Journal of Counseling Sexology, 2(2), 104-116.

Phillips, J. C., Crowell, C., Chung, Y. B., Forrest, L., Hahn Oh, K. J., & Westefeld, J.  (2017). SCP Leadership Academy: Cultivating leadership competence and community among students and ECPs. The Counseling Psychologist, 45, 965-991. doi:10.1177/0011000017736141

Phillips, J. C., Villard, M., & Fitts, B. R. (2017). Intersections of gender, self-care, and burnout.  The Ohio Psychologist, 64, 4-7.

Phillips, J. C., Parent, M. C., Dozier, V. C., & Jackson, P. L. (2017). Depth of discussion of multicultural identities in supervision and supervision outcomes. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 30, 188-210. doi: 10.1080/09515070.2016.1169995

Phillips, J. C., & Fitts, B. R.  (2017). Beyond competencies and guidelines: Training considerations regarding sexual minority and transgender and gender nonconforming people.  In K. DeBord, A. Fischer, K. Bieschke, & R. Perez (Eds.), The Handbook of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in Counseling and Psychotherapy (3rd ed., pp. 365-386). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Vera, E. M., Phillips, J. C., Speight, S. L., & Brounk, T., Weathersby, D., Gonzales, R., & Kordesh, K. (2016). University counseling centers' outreach activities: A national survey. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 8, 34-52.

Langrehr, K. J., Phillips, J. C., Melville, A., & Eum, K. (2015). Determinants of nontraditional student status: A methodological review of the research. Journal of College Student Development, 56, 862-866.

Phillips, J. C. (2015). Self-reflectiveness, modern forms of prejudice, and serving the underserved.  The Ohio Psychologist, 62, 9-11.

Renninger, S. M., Phillips, J. C., Armstrong, S. K., Magnus, K., Cahill, B., Herman, M., Savino, F., Taylor, K., Vajk, F., (2015). Outcomes of an organizational diversity initiative:  Diversifying trainers to diversify psychology.  Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9, 229-234. doi: 10.1037/tep0000089

Phillips, J. C.  (2014). Research ideas for the three-pillar model as applied to LGBT issues in graduate training.  Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1, 353-355. doi: 10.1037/sgd0000071

Thompson, M. N., & Phillips, J. C. (2012). Promoting retention in first generation college students.  In E. M. Vera (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Prevention in Counseling Psychology (pp. 330-346). New York: Oxford University Press.

Hahn Oh, K. J., Wiseman, M. C, Hendrickson, J., Phillips, J. C., & Hayden, E. W. (2012). Testing the acceptance model of intuitive eating with college women athletes. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 36, 88-98. doi: 10.1177/0361684311433282

Phillips, J. C.  (2010). Eight articles, eight journals, eight years: Selected disappointments and celebrations.  The Counseling Psychologist, 38, 434-441. doi: 10.1177/0011000009346324

Cooper, S., Benton, S., Benton, S., & Phillips, J. C. (2008). Evidence-based practice in psychology (EBPP) among college counseling center clinicians.  Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 22(4), 28-50. doi:10.1080/87568220801952214

Rivera-Mosquera, E., Phillips, J. C., Castelino, P., Martin, J. K., & Dobran, E. M. (2007). Design and implementation of a grassroots pre-college program for Latino youth.  The Counseling Psychologist, 35, 821-839. doi: 10.1177/0011000007304593

Geelhoed, R. J, Phillips, J. C., Fischer, A. R., Shpungin, E., & Gong, Y. (2007). Authorship decision-making: An empirical examination.  Ethics & Behavior, 17, 95-115.

Szymanski, D. M., Ozegovic, J. J., Phillips, J. C., & Briggs-Phillips, M. (2007). Fostering scholarly productivity through academic and internship research training environments.  Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 1, 135-146. doi: 10.1037/1931-3918.1.2.135

Phillips, J. C. (2004). Being bisexual in the counseling professions: Deconstructing heterosexism.  In J. M. Croteau, J. S. Lark, M. A. Lidderdale, and Y. B. Chung (Eds.) Deconstructing Heterosexism in the Counseling Professions: Multicultural Narrative Voices (pp. 115-120). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Phillips, J. C. (2004). A welcome addition to the literature: Nonpolarizing approaches to sexual orientation and religiosity.  The Counseling Psychologist, 32, 771-777.  doi: 10.1177/0011000004267567

Enns, C. Z., Sinacore, A. L., Ancis, J.R., & Phillips, J. (2004).  Toward integrating feminist and multicultural pedagogies. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 32, 414-427.

Whitaker, L., Phillips, J. C., & Tokar, D. (2004). Influencing client expectations about career counseling using a videotaped intervention.  The Career Development Quarterly, 52, 309-322.

Phillips, J. C., Szymanski, D. M., Ozegovic, J. J., & Briggs-Phillips, M. (2004).  Preliminary examination and measurement of the internship research training environment.  Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51, 240-248.  doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.51.2.240

Phillips, J. C., Ingram, K., Smith, N. G., & Mindes, E. J.  (2003). Methodological and content review of lesbian, gay, and bisexual related articles in counseling journals: 1990-1999.  The Counseling Psychologist, 31, 25-62.  doi: 10.1177/0011000002239398

Moradi, B., Subich, L. M., & Phillips, J. C. (2002). Revisiting feminist identity development theory, research, and practice.  The Counseling Psychologist, 30, 6-43.  doi: 10.1177/0011000002301002

Moradi, B., Subich, L. M., & Phillips, J. C. (2002). Beyond Revisiting:  Moving Feminist Identity Development Ahead.  The Counseling Psychologist, 30, 111-117.  doi: 10.1177/0011000002301008

Phillips, J. C. (2000). Training considerations and issues.  In R. M. Perez, K. A. DeBord, & K. J. Bieschke (Eds.), Handbook of counseling and therapy with lesbians, gays, and bisexuals (pp. 337-358).  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. doi: 10.1037/10339-014

Phillips, J. C., & Fischer, A. R. (1998). Graduate students' training experiences with gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues.  The Counseling Psychologist, 26, 712-734.  doi: 10.1177/0011000098265002

Croteau, J. M., Bieschke, K. J., Phillips, J. C., & Lark, J. S. (1998). Moving beyond pioneering: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative training.  The Counseling Psychologist, 26, 707-711.  doi: 10.1177/0011000098265001

Croteau, J. M., Bieschke, K. J., Phillips, J. C., Lark, J. S., Fischer, A. R., & Eberz, A. B. (1998).Toward a more inclusive and diverse multigenerational community of lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative counseling psychologists. The Counseling Psychologist, 26, 809-816.  doi: 10.1177/0011000098265008

Phillips, J. C., & Russell, R. K. (1994). Research self-efficacy, the research training environment, and research productivity among graduate students in counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 22, 628-641.  doi: 10.1177/0011000094224008

Phillips, J. C. (1994). The continuing value of women's empowerment. [Review of the book, A New Approach to Women and Therapy, 2nd Edition].  Contemporary Psychology, 39, 533-534.  doi: 10.1037/034350

Phillips, J. C., & Heesacker, M. H.  (1992).  College student admission of alcoholism and intention to change alcohol-related behavior.  Journal of College Student Development, 33, 403-410.