
                             PUBLICATIONS SINCE 2005

A. Books

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (Eds; in press). Career psychology in the South African context (4th ed.). Pretoria, South Africa: J. L. Van Schaik.

Struwig, M., & Stead, G. B. (2023). Conducting research. Wize Books.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (Eds; 2017). Career psychology in the South African context (3rd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa: J. L. Van Schaik.

Struwig, F. W., & Stead, G. B. (2013). Research: Planning, designing and reporting (2nd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa: Pearson Education.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (Eds.)(2006). Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa: J. L. Van Schaik.

Bernstein, N., Foxcroft, C. D., McCallum, W., Schultheiss, D. E., Seymour, B., & Stead, G. B. (2005). X-kit undergraduate statistics for the social sciences. Cape Town, South Africa: Pearson Education. [order of authors is alphabetical].

B. Book Chapters

Stead, G. B., & Poklar, A. E. (in press). A critique of narrative career counselling. In M. McMahon & P. Abkhezr (Eds.), Narrative career counselling: From theory to practice in diverse cultures and contexts. Routledge.

Stead, G.B., & Subich, L. (in press). Career counselling and practice. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds., pp. xxx), Career psychology in the South African context (4th  ed.). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Watson, M. B. & Stead, G. B. (in press). The career development theory of Donald Super. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (4th ed., pp. xxx). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (in press). Indigenisation of career psychology in South Africa. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (4th ed., pp. xxx). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Watson, M. B. & Stead, G. B. (in press). An overview of career theory. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (4th ed., pp. xxx). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., & Poklar, A. E. (2021).  Cross-cultural career psychology from a critical
psychology perspective. In P. Robertson, T. Hooley, & P. McCash (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Career Development (pp. 239-253). New York: Oxford University Press.

Schultheiss, D. E., Stead, G. B., & Liao, C-Y. (2020). Ethical issues in testing and assessment. In  J. A. Athanasou & H. N. Perera (Eds.), International handbook of career guidance (2nd ed; pp. 755-775). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Stead, G.B., & Subich, L. (2017). Career counselling and practice. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (3rd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (2017). Career decision making and career indecision. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (3rd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (2017). Indigenisation of career psychology in South Africa. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (3rd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Watson, M. B. & Stead, G. B. (2017). An overview of career theory. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (3 rd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Watson, M. B. & Stead, G. B. (2017). The career development theory of Donald Super. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (3rd ed.). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., Schultheiss, D. E. P., & Oliver, A. (2017). A review of assessment in child career development. In M. Watson & M. McMahon (Eds.), Career exploration and development in childhood: Perspectives from theory, practice and research. London, UK: Routledge.

Stead, G. B., & Davis, B. L. (2017). Culture and context in constructionist approaches to career counseling. In L. A. Busacca & M. C. Rehfuss, M. (Eds.), Postmodern career counseling: A handbook of culture, context, and cases (pp. 65-76).  Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Stead, G. B., & Davis, B. L. (2015). Qualitative career assessment: Research evidence. In M. McMahon & M. Watson (Eds.), Career assessment: Qualitative approaches (pp. 21-30). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Stead, G. B. (2013). Social constructionist thought and working. In D. L. Blustein (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the psychology of working (pp. 37-48). New York: Oxford University Press.

Prilleltensky, I., & Stead, G. B. (2013). Critical psychology, well-being, and work. In D. L. Blustein (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the psychology of working (pp. 19-36). New York: Oxford University Press.

Stead, G. B, & Perry, J. C. (2012). Practice trends, social justice and ethics. In M. B. Watson & M. McMahon (Eds.), Career development: Global issues and challenges (pp. 45-58). New York: Nova Science.

Stead, G. B., & Bakker, T. M. (2012). Self in work as a social/cultural construction. In P. McIlveen, & D. P. Schultheiss (Eds.).  Social constructionism in vocational psychology and career development (pp. 29-44). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers .

Schultheiss, D. E. P., & Stead, G. B. (2008). Ethical issues in testing and assessment. In J.Athanasou & R. Van Esbroeck (Eds.). International handbook of career guidance (pp. 603-623). Springer Science & Business Media.

Stead, G. B., & Young, R. A. (2007). Qualitative research methods for a global psychology. In M. J. Stevens & U. Gielen (Eds), Toward a global psychology: Theory, research, intervention, and pedagogy (pp. 207-232). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Stead, G. B., & Nqweni, Z. C. (2006). Introduction to career education, information technology, and organisational psychology. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. 137-138). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G.B., & Subich, L. (2006). Career counselling and practice. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. 81-93). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (2006a). Career decision making and career indecision. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. 94-109). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (2006b). Indigenisation of career psychology in South Africa. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. 181-190). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Stead, G. B., & Watson, M. B. (2006c). Preface. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.),Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. xi-xiii). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Watson, M. B. & Stead, G. B. (2006a). An overview of career theory. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. 13-34). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Watson, M. B. & Stead, G. B. (2006b). Introduction to career theories. In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. 11-12). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

Watson, M. B. & Stead, G. B. (2006c). The career development theory of Donald Super In G. B. Stead & M. B. Watson (Eds.), Career psychology in the South African context (2nd ed; pp. 51-64). Pretoria, South Africa, Van Schaik.

C. Refereed (*) Journal Articles.

*Kim, J., & Stead, G. B. (in press). Validation of Korean Version of the Anger Discomfort Scale. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling.

* Stead, G. B., LaVeck, L. M., & Hurtado Rua, S. M. (2022). Career adaptability and career decision self-efficacy: Meta-analysis. Journal of Career Development, 49, 951-964.

* Liao,  K. Y-H., Stead, G. B., & Liao, C-Y. (2021).   A meta-analysis of the relation between self-compassion and self-efficacy. Mindfulness, 12, 1878-1891.

*Hurtado Rua, S. M., Stead, G. B., & Poklar, A. E. (2019). Five-factor personality traits and RIASEC interest types:  A multivariate meta-analysis. Journal of Career Assessment, 27, 527-543.

*Ferrari, L., Nota, L., Schultheiss, D. E., Stead, G. B., & Davis, B. L. (2018). Validation of the Childhood Career Development Scale among Italian middle school students. Journal of Career Assessment, 48, 732-748.

Stead, G. B. (2015). What should they know of psychology, who only psychology know? [Review of the book Handbook of critical psychology, by I. Parker (Ed.).] PsycCRITIQUES, 60, Article 7.

*Martincin, K. M., & Stead, G. B. (2015). Five-factor model and difficulties in career decision making: A meta-analysis. Journal of Career Assessment, 23, 3-19.

*Stead, G. B., Perry, J. C., Munka, L. M., Bonnett, H. R., Shiban, A. P., & Care, E. (2012). Qualitative research in career development: Content analysis from 1990 to 2009. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12, 105-122.

*Stead, G. B., & Perry, J. C. (2012). Toward critical psychology perspectives of work-based transitions. Journal of Career Development, 39, 315-320.

*Prilleltensky, I., & Stead, G. B. (2012). Critical psychology and career development: Unpacking the adjust-challenge dilemma. Journal of Career Development, 39, 321-340.

*Stead, G. B., & Bakker, T. M. (2010). Discourse analysis in career counseling and development. The Career Development Quarterly, 59, 72-86.

*Stead, G. B., & Schultheiss, D. E. P. (2010). Validity of Childhood Career Development Scale scores in South Africa. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 10, 73-88.

*Stead, G. B., & Bakker, T. M. (2010). Self in career theory and counselling: A discourse analysis perspective. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 38, 45-60.

*Perera-Diltz, D., Laux, J. M., Tiamiyu, M. F., Piazza, N. J., Ritchie, M. H., & Stead, G. B. (2009). Development of a screening instrument for post-traumatic symptoms: The Sinhala version of the Impact of Event  Scale-Revised. Psychology and Developing Societies, 21, 277-298.

*Stead, G. B. (2007). Cultural psychology as a transformative agent for vocational psychology. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 7,181-190.