
Refereed Publications:

1.  I. Averill, Y. Lou, and D. Munther, On several conjectures from evolution of dispersal,
Journal of Biological Dynamics,  6 (2012), 117-130.

2.  R. Gejji, Y. Lou, J. Peyton and D. Munther, Evolutionary convergence to ideal free
dispersal strategies and coexistence, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74 (2012), 257-299.

3.  Y. Lou and D. Munther, Dynamics of a three species competition model,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A, 32 (9), (2012), 3099 - 3131.  
(Special issue for the 9th AIMS Conference, Orlando, 2012)

4.  D. Munther, The ideal free strategy with weak Allee effect, Journal of Differential Equations,
254 (4), (2013), 1728-1740.

5.  D. Munther and J. Wu, Enhanced surveillance on food-borne disease outbreaks:
dynamics of cross-contamination via wash procedures, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 321 (2013), 28-35.

6.  K. Y. Lam and D. Munther, Invading the ideal free distribution,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B (Special issue in honor of Chris Cosner),
19 (10), (2014), 3219-3244.